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The KnowlEdge Consortium Met at Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The group photo was taken in front of the Mare Nostrum 4 supercomputer, which is installed in the deconsecrated Chapel Torre Girona at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona.

The knowlEdge consortium meeting, which took place October 3-5 at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, was the project’s last technical meeting. It concentrated on “dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s”, i.e. ensuring that all project’s objectives will be met.

During the first two days all technical Work Packages (i.e. WP2 … WP7) were reviewed together with the pilots and use cases. On the last day our focus was on dissemination and exploitation activities. We also have now a plan, how to build a proper Data Management Plan for the project.

The group photo was taken in front of the Mare Nostrum 4 supercomputer, which is installed in the deconsecrated Chapel Torre Girona at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona.