The knowlEdge project is going to deliver an online marketplace, the knowlEdge Marketplace, that enables users to trade AI/ML models and relevant software solutions. The models and services that will be exchanged over the knowlEdge Marketplace will be related to Industrial/Manufacturing domain solutions. A knowlEdge Repository that has been set up by the project, will provide data and metadata related to the developed models to the Marketplace. The knowlEdge Marketplace will promote trusted and secure trading of AI/ML models, as it will enable the models to be traded as Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFTs) by using Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts in the back end side. Besides this, the Marketplace will provide other ‘traditional’ services available to marketplaces such as user profiles and roles, advanced search and recommendations, notifications, wish lists, review and feedback mechanisms etc. All the aforementioned features will be available through user-friendly web interfaces. Finally, the knowlEdge Marketplace is aiming to be the meeting point between companies of manufacturing/industrial domain and relevant data scientists, researchers and developers.