On of the ways to create lasting impact in knowlEdge EU Project is the participation in the publication “Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: Enabling Intelligent, Flexible and Cost Effective Production Through AI”.
The knowlEdge chapters in the book are:
🟣Designing a Marketplace to Exchange AI Models for Industry 5.0
(Alexandros Nizamis, Georg Schlake, Georgios Siachamis, Vasileios Dimitriadis, Christos Patsonakis, Christian Beecks et al.)
🟣Human AI Interaction for Semantic Knowledge Enrichment of AI
Model Output (Sisay Adugna Chala (PhD), Alexander Graß)
🟣A Manufacturing Digital Twin Framework
(Victor Anaya, Enrico Alberti, Gabriele Scivoletto)
🟣Advancing Networked Production Through Decentralised Technical Intelligence
(Stefan Walter, Markku Mikkola)
🟣Boosting AutoML and XAI in Manufacturing: AI Model Generation Framework
(Marta Barroso, Daniel Hinjos García, Pablo A. Martin, Marta Gonzalez-Mallo, Victor Gimenez Abalos, Sergio Alvarez-Napagao)
🟣Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing
(Jona Scholz, Maike Holtkemper, Alexander Graß, Christian Beecks)
Read and download the open e-book: John Soldatos (ed.) Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: Enabling Intelligent, Flexible and Cost Effective Production Through AI, Springer 2024